Kindergarten!? …Shh! I have a plan…

This academic year (2021- 2022) I had the opportunity to introduce English to preschoolers at four different Kindergartens, leading classes as large as 22 students. Having no prior experience with the little ones, I was incredibly excited and absolutely terrified when I found out I was going to teach 4-year-old learners. “How am I going to hold the attention of a room full of active, restless and curious little minds while wearing a face mask?” (COVID times you see). But I quickly got the hang of it and enjoyed every single day.

Here are some of the storybooks and songs which became a real hit in my kindergarten sessions this year:

Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes
Jumping in Muddy Puddles
I See Something Blue
Put On Your Shoes
I am a mole and I live in a hole
Let’s Go To The Zoo
Skidamarink A Dink A Dink
A Sailor Went To Sea
WOW! Said the Owl by Tim Hopgood
Animated Short Film “Hey Deer!” by Ors Barczy
STUCK by Oliver Jeffers
SHHH we have a plan! by Chris Haughton
You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus by Patricia Cleveland-Peck, David Tazzyman

Online reading activities

A great site for extra reading activities is Readtheory. It is an educational tool to improve reading comprehension skill. It adapts to the students’ age and reading level and keeps their score in reading comprehension quizzes. As a teacher, you can create an account for your learners and monitor their progress. I used this site the last school year and I was surprised to see my young readers to grow fast and keep reading!